~. / I3RFAO, ROLLS ANI) TOAST --_-'.:- thoroughly, 'O\"('t and kl ri:- c until light cuI dowll and add the r:~t of till.' tlour or enough tn kl1l:ad. Let risc again in a warm place. tO~:-i.oll .~Ilghtl~ /luured board, kuc,Hl, pat alld roll out to ., \ lIlell tlllcknc: , , ~hapc mlo l'Uundl:, with biscuit cutter' dip the ha.llI11c o~ a huift:. in !lour and with it make a crease thr~ugh till.' Huddle ul each pll'("(, brush O\'cr one-half of each piece with mt'lt('d b~lttcr, fold and pr~'~s edgr.. to~ctht:r. Place in grcI-. cll pall vne lIleh apart, cover, let ri~c and hake in a hot O\"ell Ll t() 15 minute". SALAD ROLLS l"se "am" ingrcllicnt" a" f,lt I':\rkcr ITOl1 ~ Roll". Shape in small bi"cuit". place in rows Oil a llontcd hoard. em cr with cloth and let rbe Il1ltil light and \\dll'1I11cd. F!our handle of wooden ~JXIOIl amI make a let]) cr::ase in 1111 1,lIe of each bi: cuit, take up. and pr,·'''' edg-I.'o ' h)l-:t'lhcr. Phce cl b(: tOg'.'lhcr in hmtered pan. :\wer. let rise 'lnd hake I~ to 20 minutes ill a hot o\'en, From t~lis same lIIixlllrc l're-cell't :, small br'li,,:s, bow knots and other fancy shapc.. may bc 111 ,II.'. TEA ROLLS. I cup milk. I oz. compressed ~·east. t I' cups flollr, -t Clip sugar, I'! teaspoon" S3lt, 2 e~gs, I ~ Clip butter, lour. Scald milk. whl'n IllkeW lrll1 ,li%oln:' yea :t cake and add t~ cups flour. Ikilt thl)rnU~I.1~ l'OH'r :11111 allD\\' to "ta~l(1 lIntillight. Ad{l sllg"ar. S:llt, ("~~_. butter al111 enough '10ur \f) "nea,1. .\lIow to rise ag'ain, ulllil Jig-ht. ~h lpe into nJunds or .small oblong finger rolls. :llld \'[ "1 .(. in !lutterI'd palh close together, when light bake ill hot oycn. YELLOW BISCUITS. I cup lukewar:'\ mil\.., r! ounce compressed yeast, 2 tahlr,pnnns hutter, 3.! ClipS flour, I t3blcspOOll sllt::ar, I cup ,:r line,1 Hubbard I tablespoon salt, ~q\~a :h. . Crumble yeast with sugar in a little (,j the lukewarm 1l111k. add the rc~t of the milk, the salt, buller and squash or SWcc!yotato. Then a(Jd the flour, km' lll until 111100th. add rll0re fl?"r II .ncc~~- ~al'l'. Ld rise ill a warm p!acc. Roll and sh:lpe I1lto 11~1~C\11tS ami let ri~C' :lg'ain atHI hake III a moderate 01·1'11 about n hOllr, or ulltil tllorOllghl,1 ([nl1l',
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