Ul VERACES STRAWBERRY PUNCH 25 ~ (luart~ strawbenie~. ice \\attr, 2 pounds HIg:tr, I cup cha1l\l'agne, juice 2 oranges, ~ whitt:~ of eggs, juice 1 lemon, ICC, Crush the berries with the slIRar. LN stand 2 hour~: strain through a bag. Add orange and lemon juice an,1 let ~land on ice ulJtil wanted. thl 'l1 add an equal measur,' of icc water-the cham~ pag-ne and whitc!' of t'gog" beaten Miff. Place in punch·bowl with large piece of irt: and servc in tall g-Iasscs. GINGER PUNCH I quart cold water, ~ pouml Ci'lntOll ginger, I cup Stlg-ar. H Clip orange juice. ~ Clip lemon juice, chopped ice. OIOP Ringer, at!d to water and sug-ar and boil '5 minutes. Add orange and lemon juice, cool, strain and add chopped ice to dihlte. CLARET CUP No_ I 3 pints clan·j WillI.', X Clip curacoa, 3 lemons (juice), ~~ Clip sug-ar, t bunch frc~h mint, I oran~c finely sliced, 12 str:m benies, 4 -"lict:~ pineapple. I pint _\pollinaris, I !'!ice cucumber rind. ),Iix ing-rcdienh except \l)()I.lin:,ri~: ~t~ll(i .on icc 10 chill ani ju~t before serving add the ch111ed "\polhn:ms. No. ~ pillt claret, Or:lng:e juice). slice ("\I("111111) 'r rind, Clip sugar, I pint sparkling tllosclle. pint _"pollinaris. l\lix in~n't1it'IlIS except _\pol.linaris !'t~nd .on ice to chill ami jll~1 before s~r\"ing- a,l I Iht· -lulie"! -\JlnIl1l1.m ...
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