BEVERAGES COFFEE AND TEA 2. Coffee, the seeds of the berry of the coffee tree, arc roasted in order to dC\'e!op the aroma. Coffee coma in" a still1ulalill" sub- "tanec, called caf[l'inc, 3mI tannin. The tannin i all illj~rious SUbstallc~ found in h': l and coffee. Long steeping" den~lops the tanulII. Tea is made from Ihe lea\'es of the tea plant. Tea leaves have to be wilted, rolled and dried by artificial htat in order to dcn:lop their lIa\·o1". GrecH lea i" made frOIll freshly picked young ]ea\'cl, which arc preparcd quickly. Ex,: Gunpowder, Hyson and Ja- .mll, Black tea is made from leaves left in a heap Oll the ground. in order to darken and (I('velop the lIavor. Ex.: Oolollg, Eng- lish Breakfast, Orange Pekoe. Tea and coffee :-hould llCYCr be taken on an empty stomach I1nle,.,. for medicinal purposes. Coffee should be bought in small quantities and kept in air- tight cans. FILTERED COFFEE. 1 cup coffee, finely gronnd. 6 CIlP~ fre.~hly boiling watl'r. Place coffee in strainer, strainer in coffee pot anu pot o\"Cr slol\" fire. Add gradually the boiling water and a~lo\\ .it to filter or drip. Cover between adr]itions of water. II deSIred strull~er, rcfillcr. Serve at Ol1ce. wit11 ('"lit !lIJg-ar. cream or scalded llllik. Put sugar and creatH in Clip, then add the hut colTee. BOILED COFFEE 1 heaping teaspoon f::TOlInd I Clip g-round coffee to coffee to I quart fre"hl.' boiling waler. I cup of fresh'" boiling- water. \1' tI offee , ilh a clean eg-gshell anll a little ('o\l~ ~\·aler. and , . IX. Ie c. 11 aired coffee pot. .\,1,1 the frc"hh· boiling water. paccma\\c, f I . I' and buil fixe minules. Let ,, tand on bac,. 0 ",to"e cn 111l1l1l l~. Alld one-half cup cold water. . . . NOTE-Coffee should he fr(..~hly g-round and kept 111 lLr-11g-ht cans. .\ favorite corree is 2!J Java and 1~l !\locha.
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