________ RRFAD, ROLLS AND TOAST GRAHAM DREAD OR WHOLE WHEAT BREAD Jl I CUp boiling- walt-f, 2 t ),blc~poon warm water, r fresh milk, 2 teaspoons salt, oC\ljl oz. yca~t (I c lkd. 2 tablespoons sugar, \\ hnh' wheat II0UT. S.:-krt whok whelt llOUT, free from outside bran, pour 0 the bdiling water into the fresh milk. \\-h('n lukewarm add yeast. di, "oh~(l III 2 tahlt's\)(),l1IS of warm water, salt and sugar. ~Ii,. amI stir ill ~lIlTicil'l1t whole wllt:a! "OIlT to make a batter that will (I rOll from a ' 1"1"11, ht,,,, \~l'I[. nnl'T seclIrdy to exclude air and \('1 st u\ll in a \\an:1 plan' (a!lout 75~) for 3 huurs, or uJltil quite lig"llt. thell "tiT ill sulTicicnt l10ur to make a soft dough. knead lig htly iOT ahout 10 minutes. making: a ~ofter !,, ),f than fOT white hn·all. 110\11,1 2 hl ),ve". place in greas~ pan~. co\-er and let stand in a ,\ arm place until the loaves are double their bulk. abom I hour. l:ako: il: a ,..1.)\\' o\-en for about I Yi hours. Add I cUJllluls \\ hen Illoult~ing illlo loaves, ii de"ired. CURRANT BREAD. 2 pints of flour, 2 cup , milk, 3 teaspoon" bakin~ powder. cup currants, X teaspoon salt, I egg. I lahletipoon sugar. Mix dr)' ingredients \\M h and dr~: currants. dred~e with nour. Add egg to mil'" and t:olllhine the mixtures. Hake III a deep pan in a hot o\'en .0 hour. CORN BREAD NO.1 2 cups yellow corn meal. 2 CIlPS milk, .0 teaspoon salt,. 2 tablespoons butter. 3 teaspoons hal'dug powder, 2 eggs. . Sift togctlwr the conl Illeal..~alt and bakmg powde!. Scald h lk ",1 add the bUlter to it. \\'hen the butler tel1l1,a. . 11k fh«ISmelted add the milk to the !1l(':l1 tog-ether wltll t 1(' )0 ·s 0 ~ e e,..~ Beat the whiler. of the ('gg"s to a 'itiff ff(~lh, and fold h~ht~y In, just before putting- illin tIle Oven. Hake 1Il a deep pan, In ,I hot oven abom half till hO\lt.
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