22 "TilE SETIlEMENT" COOK BOOK CHOCOLATE I Clip boiling water, 3 cups milk. I quart claret, I pint water, 2 ClipS sugar, 1~ ounces bitter chocolate, 4 tablespoons sugar, Few grains salt, Scald milk melt chocolate in small saucepan O\'er llot water add Sligar, salt and gra{lually boiling water whell smooth, place all range alld boil I minnte add scalded milk. Beat and sen·e. lf the sweet chocolate is used. omit the sugar. COCOA I cup milk, 2 teaspoons cocoa, I Clip boiling water, 2 scant teaspoons sllgar. Scald the milk. Tn a sallce pan put the cocoa, sugar and boil- ing water. Boil one minute, then add it to the scaldcll milk. Taste, and add more sugar, if llceded. COCOA SHELLS I cup cocoa shells 6 cups boiling water. Boil shells and waler three hours: as water boils away. add more water. Strain and serve with milk and sugar. By adding 1f.J cup of cocoa nibs a much more satisfactory drink is obtained. TEA 3 teaspoons tea, 2 ClipS boiling water. Scald all earthen or china teapot. Put in tea and pour on boil- ing water. Let stand on back of range or ill a warm place 5 minutes. Strain and sen'e immediately with or withollt sugar and milk. RUSSIAN TEA Russian tea is made and s~rved in dining or drawing room the water is kept hot in a Sall1o\'ar and the tea stceped in a teapot. The tea may be serv('d hot or cold. but always without milk. A thin slice of lemon or a fcw (lrop~ of 1.~111011 juice is allowed for cach Cllp. Preserved strawberries, cherries or rasp- berries arc considered all improvcmcnt. GLUEH WINE y. tea~poon whole c1o\·e~. I teaspoon whole cinnamon. lemO!l rind cut thin and in small pieccs. Mix all, boil steadily for J 5 minl1tcs and scn'c hot.
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