'0 "THE SETILEMEHT" COOK BOOK CHAPTER IrL BEVERAGES. HOT DRINKS GENERAL RULES A bc"cr:\gc is any drink. \rater is a beverage, and is an e!l· sential to life. All be\-erages contain a large percentage of water, and aid to quench thirst, to introduce water into the system and rt'gnl:lIc the temperature to as"isl ill carrying off waste to nourish to stimulate the !len'OllS system and various org,\Ils, Frc::.hly boih:d water should be Ilsed for making hot bc\'Cragcs freshly drawn water for making cold beverages. MILK Vessels llsed for milk must Ut' thorvl1g-hly cleansed they should be first washed in clear, cold water. Fill them with water in which a teaspoon of borax or bicarhonate of soda has been dissolved, and let stand one hour. Then scald, wipe thor- oughly, alld !'tand in the : lill or ncar the 5to,'C to dry. Cover milk with muslin and kcep in a cold place. ~Iilk may be st/"rili7.NI or p11~leuri7.('c1 to de~troy disease germs. [n Slimmer, milk should be sterilized twice a day. for babies or Joung childr(ll. PASTEURIZED MILK. Sterili7.e mil:': bottles or jar" by boiling them twenty minutes in \'ater. hl1 sterile bottles or jars nearly full of milk, cork them with baked cattail, place on rings in a deep pan and fill with cold water so that the water llIay be as high outside the jah as the milk i!l il1:idc. place the pan O\'cr the fi:'c an, I heat until l'olllall hubhles appear around the top of the milk (about I.i ~ F): re- move to the back of the lire and allow til{' h(,III,· to staml there 15 minutes. then reduce the temperature a~ q~licl.:ly as pos"ible. ami whell milk is cold remo,'e the bottle" from the water 11nd keep in a cold place. In summer milk :hould be pasteurized twic/" a day for babies.
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