_ __-.:H:E~V~E:RA:G~E:S:..._-----,2' IMPERIAL PUNCH ~lic('fl pine-apple. bottle of ·halllpaj.,'1IC, (or ~dt7.er anrl dard). t bottle of fe1 winc, y bottle of arrak or rum, juice of -l km61l~. o ([uart of boiling w3h T, t pOllnd of sugar, g-T:t!t',1 rind of I lemon, 4 orange.. oil ill to pieces, ~rat~1 rind ,of I orange, J ~tlck of cinnamon (hro!, cn illto piec~s), I stirk oi \':lllilia bean (abo\lt 4 inches long). Y cup maraschino cherries if l1c~ircd. Boil spices thoron,ghly with the water. RClllo\'c them and pour ~vHlcr into ~al'r:c earthen dish. :\dd lemon aml oT,luge juice alld rll.ll. ,1\:: 0 pllll'appic and ~l1g:Lr. (sugar lnd fruit 10 he pre- p:1I"'(\ III a .' l."parak (\ish) then add wine and arrak. cover :lnd ht'al on back of slmc, ndd cli t1llpa~I1C before ~crvil\g. COLO DRINKS. ICED TEA Strain freshly madc tca into glas,.,cs one-third full of cracked ice. Swcctcn to ta,.,to.:. A ~1i(:1.' of I~'m,)n may be added, s«d,., rl.'lIlon:d. The "avor i~ much finer by chilling the infusion f)uid..!)". LEMONADE I lemon, 2 cups \\'lll:r. 4 lahle pOns lillgaf, Extract thc jnicc of one lemon with a lemon squeezer. Add the sugar and waler and ~lir till dissohcd. Add chipped ice if dc~ired. The wate~l' 1l1ay bc poured vVt'r lhe ~mg-ar boiling- hot. ill 1\ hich casc, covcr and allow to t3nd until cool, lind then add the lemon jlllCl:. LEMONADE FOR ISO PEOPLE 5 doz. lemons, ~'1tl(·'"7.ed, 6 pounds ~lIgar. I doz. orangt:s. , ,liced, 6 gallons water, I can or a fre."h pincapple. ice. The rule is one pouud of !iugar to C\'t:r)' ,lm'en of fruit. If pine- appl~' is fresh. add one more polI.nd (If l"ugar. Mix sugar with fruit and juice. awl kt "t'lIld. \\ hpn ready to serve add \\'~t("r and icc. to ko:"p ("(lOJ. Thl: ~llg lI" and onle water may be hOilCtl to a ~yrl1p. a11....\\'cd to '"001, and the fruit and iuices added afterward.
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