24 ORANGEADE Follow _~:lI11C rille :I" for le1l1on:l(le. :l(ldinA':l little lel1l0n juice. PINEAPPLE PUNCH kmo~ juice, chopped pineapple. }~ Clip 2 cups quart cold water, :2 ups sugar. I cup orange j\lice, nail water and sugar and pineapple 20 minutes juice cool, strain and dilute with icc water. add fruil jnice of 5 lemon~, juice oi 5 oranges, l can grat('d pineappl(', I cup maraschino cherries. pound :sugar, Clip water, FRUIT PUNCH FOR 50 PEOPLE. I cup water, 2 cups ugar, I cup h a illfu~ion, I quart apollinaris, 2 CUJlS !tra\\ !Jerry syrup, Hail water and sugar tv a syrup, 10 minutes. add 1I::a. straw· !Jerr)- syrup, le1l10n juice, orange juice and pin(apple: let ~t lIld H hour. Strain and add ice water to make I /~ gallon" of liquiJ. .-\dd cherries and .-\pollinari":. sen·e ill pUllch-bowl witil largt.: pi('("c of ice. GRAPE PUNCH NO.1 .J4 cup grape juice, Y.1 cup cold water, I teaspOOI1 lemon juice, sugar to taste. :'Ilix sUg"ar \\ith strained grape juice. acid Irmon JUIce and -ah'r .\ :Iice of orange or pinea )ple may al.. be added. No.2 6 lemolls, juice, I (Iuart I1llsweetened grape juice. lIoil sugar and water u11til it !pin : a Ihread when dropped from a spoon. Take fror~l fire allli whell cool alll! the jui.:e of the lemolls ami the jrrape juicf'. Let "Irll! o\"\.'r lliJ.:'ht. \\·hell ready to serve add _\p.)l1inaris or ~OIla \\:ltlr
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