BEVERACES 27 ORANGE JULEP Rinu .Jt:l. orange shavcU fine, 2 sprigs fresh millt 1 tablespoon powder sugar 1 teaspoo , 1 cup chopped ice '", n. creme de menlhe, \, . .' /4 cup whiskey IX orange nnd, Sligar and a little of 111 f' , I 'I \ e Ice or Iwo mlllutes to extract tie 01. 1 dd rest oi ice. thc fro'h n'mt, Il'rI\CS I I I stems down ) JOve :Ill( the rest of the ingredients ' gla~:: wilh a straw. .. erve III a large GIN FIZZ. ~ tablcspoon lugar, .l4 cup gin. }S lemon (juice) }1 cup fine Ice, . 0 cup Vichy or seltzer water. . ~!lx Sligar, gill and lemon juice, add the ice. stir well. Strain III a tall seltzer glass and fill with Vichy or seltzer water. Serve at once. EGG MILK PUNCH I egg. 2 tablespoons St. Croix Rum, 3 tea!'poons i"ugar. !6 cup milk, }S cup shaved ice, a .crrating of nutmeg. 4 cup brandy. Mi.x in the order given, cover lightly. i"hake well and strain into large tall glass, with the nutmeg on top. MANHATTAN COCKTAIL. % whiskey (Sheridan rye), % Vermuth bitters, finc icc, % water. A dal'h of Angostura. apricotine and oranjZe bitters. and a !'lice of lemon peel. Stir well and serve in cocktail glasses. Sweeten to tasle. JACKSON COCKTAIL % gl:ll's ~apc fruit juice. J tablcspoonful maraschino, V'I g1a 1' sherry, ' cherry. Have :Ill at the very point of freezing. POUSSE CAFE % creme de cafe. 1' apricotine or vanilla. %1 creme de men the, POll I' the cafe first and slowly acid apricot inc or \'anilla and then the mint, being careful to keep the colors distinct do not mix.
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