We deepen relationships with customers by listening and then aligning our goals with theirs to help them win. Customers 2 Energy’s relationship with the FPL Group’s subsidiary Florida Power & Light (FPL) exemplifies how we are growing our business in direct correlation to our customers’ needs. A GE customer since 1925, FPL is one of the largest, cleanest and fastest-growing electric utilities in the U.S. Through our relationship with FPL Group, we have grown our business with FPL as well as FPL Energy, providing 28 ge 2006 annual report energy solutions across a range of technologies, including wind, gas, steam and nuclear. Our commitment to customers includes both big-picture thinking and an ability to sweat the small details. When a rare ice storm recently descended on FPL Group’s Horse Hollow Wind Farm near Abilene, Texas, Energy was on hand to help keep things running smoothly.
Growth through globalization is vital for Energy but more com- plex than just selling to new regions. It’s about creating a lasting presence from which to build long-term relationships. Energy does this by deploying a “company-to-country” approach —localizing application solutions to meet each region’s unique needs, invest ing in businesses aligned with regional demographic trends and We expand globally by committing to each country where we do business what we call “company to country.” 3 Globalization ge 2006 annual report 29 committing to the communities around the world where we work and live. Pictured here, Saudi Arabia is just one example of how globalization drives growth yielding $2 billion in orders and commitments for power projects in the past six months.
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